Year End Wrap up

Year End Wrap up
The Frame Center Podcast
Year End Wrap up

Jan 05 2023 | 00:24:09

Episode January 05, 2023 00:24:09

Hosted By

Scott Brundage Dave Petty Elizabeth Perkins Don Claude

Show Notes

Well its been a heck of year and this little episode wraps up everything and gives us a little look into what's to come in 2023.  New artists, new equipment, new location?  Well we'll just have to wait and see.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 2 00:00:23 Hi, and hello there everybody. This is Scott speaking. I know you're used to hearing Dave at this point in the recording, but, uh, I was not present during the filming of this episode. And, um, just wanted to let you know that you'll be hearing a little different audio quality this time. They tried a different setup while I was away. Um, so if you hear some mic scratches and things like that, it's perfectly normal and, uh, we'll try to get that fixed up for the next episode. All right. All right, let's turn this over to Dave now. Speaker 3 00:00:49 All right. Welcome to the Frame Center podcast. This is the new, uh, the new podcast setup. Uh, we got the 2022 wrap up episode right here. And unfortunately, Scott's out. It's been battling some illness after the, uh, Christmas rush. And instead of Scott today, it's just gonna be me and Elizabeth. We're gonna be recapping the guests we had. And, uh, I don't know. Here we go. How do you feel about being in front of the camera, Elizabeth? Speaker 4 00:01:17 I think it's good for the wrap up. I come out for the first time. I'm not behind the camera. Speaker 3 00:01:22 Yeah, I mean, now look at the camera. You know. Um, yeah, so unfortunately Scott couldn't make it. I don't know what Scott's favorite episode of the year was. Speaker 2 00:01:32 Hey guys, quick editor's notes here. While I couldn't be there, I'm present for, uh, the recording. Uh, I thought I'd drop a few notes here and there. Uh, as for Dave asking what my favorite episode was for the season, I'd have to say the one with, uh, the Living Crew magazine. Uh, it was a lot of good back and forth and for once my useless movie Trivia knowledge, uh, paid off. Speaker 3 00:01:52 But we did have some great guests. Um, it was a lot of fun, uh, recording the podcast. We had a really great, um, response to it, I think. And I'm excited about going forward into 2023 and having some more guests in. We already have a bunch, uh, guests lined up, people I'm excited to talk to. Uh, we have these new chairs. I know you are a big fan of the chairs, uh, especially picked out. So yeah, we're gonna get the, the Frame Center signed back up here at some point. Uh, it's a little more comfortable, uh, a little bit more relaxed, definitely Speaker 4 00:02:25 More comfortable than the wooden stool. Speaker 3 00:02:27 Yep. So the, you know, the Frame Center podcast moving forward into 2023. A little bit more relaxed setting, uh, a little bit more comfortable chairs and, you know, more exciting guests. I mean, we had some guests on that. I feel bad that, you know, we were still kind of getting used to what we were doing. And, um, I think, you know, Sean and Mike, you know, they kind of were a good test case, so we're gonna definitely have to have them back in on, you know, for 2023. Um, talk to them again. I thought Mike, Mike has some great, uh, stories to tell and, you know, he's a great photographer. We've recorded a couple of, uh, YouTube videos. I know you were finished recording another, and hopefully we record some more, um, with him. So that'll be fun. And we'll get him in to talk about that. Speaker 3 00:03:14 We'll get Sean back in to talk more about, you know, ratios and resolution and all sorts of things that people need to know about, as well as like some fun stories that he has, um, about shooting stuff. And, you know, questions we can ask them and maybe we will open it up to guests. I know you take some photographs from time to time, you know, maybe you can ask him some questions so we can get even better at that. Um, yeah, so a lot of exciting guests lined up for 2023 talking to artists. Anything that people want us to ask, they can, you know, certainly like send me a message and, you know, if there's certain things that people want to know about, um, about people's processes or like, you know, just questions that they have for artists about artwork. I'm also looking forward to talking to some people in 2023 about, um, buying artwork and, you know, being comfortable buying artwork. Cause I think that's a big part of what this is about. Like stories behind art, stories behind paintings, and, you know, stories behind reasons of why people want to buy those paintings. So how's your art collection coming? Well, Speaker 4 00:04:18 Um, 23 and don't have an art collection. Speaker 3 00:04:20 Yeah. Yeah. You Speaker 4 00:04:22 Know, I definitely wanna get to some people's houses, maybe make the podcast a little mobile and go get the stories behind the art that either artists have or art artists have from other artists. And why they pick what they pick and what it means to them, I think is definitely, Speaker 3 00:04:36 Yeah. We had a fun segment, like ending the segments, like asking people about what what they liked in their homes are, like some of their favorite pieces. And we got some, you know, insight into seeing what people have. I think that's fun. Um, we did get to take the, the show on the road for Jodi Regans, you know, after Jodi was in. And she was awesome to have on. Um, awesome to talk to. Um, had a lot to say, lot brought a lot to the table. And then she reached out about, you know, kind of doing something on location for her show, which was a huge success. Um, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she sold everything that was there. Um, but hopefully, uh, we'll get that out, pushed out soon and, you know, before her show ends. Uh, but, you know, yeah, that was fun anyway, and I think would be interesting for some people to hear. It was certainly interesting for me. Speaker 4 00:05:28 No, it definitely was like being there in person, hearing it from her. Like, she literally went through every single piece almost, I think that was up on that wall, which was like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. What, how many pieces was Speaker 3 00:05:38 That? I think she had 72. I think that's what I, if the, if I, yeah. And we'll be, you know, hopefully we'll be, you know, framing that, uh, the life, the Yeah. The graph to scale. Yeah. Graph paper and some images in there Speaker 4 00:05:52 Perfectly to scale with each what, uh, board that she used with each piece of art. Yeah. Completely with the graph paper. Like, she definitely was a math teacher for all those years. Speaker 3 00:06:03 Yeah, she was, she was, uh, interesting. I think that was a lot of fun. And I certainly wanted to just frame that up for her. I think that's gonna be a great, uh, free frame Friday for the 2023. A nice frame job for Jodi for letting us be a part of that. And, uh, you know, helping us kind of take the podcast mobile for the, uh, first time. Speaker 4 00:06:24 I know it definitely was the first time, and the next times we'll be Speaker 3 00:06:28 Better after that. <laugh>. Well, you know, we, we we're learning as we go, so these, you know, we'll get this perfected at some point. Um, we had some great guests in, we had some business owners in, um, Janine Alpert from Sable Bo Boutique. I thought that was a lot of fun. And Melissa from, uh, hail Bone Broth, which was, you know, I didn't get to try the bone broth, but Speaker 4 00:06:48 It was very good. Speaker 3 00:06:49 He was, yeah. And they were a lot of fun to talk to, um, as well. Um, maybe, you know, when we have some business owners in going forward, we'll push them more and ask questions about them, the buying artwork and, and, you know, their connection to the arts. Um, we had Marcy and Bridget from Living Crew in that was, you know, that was an awesome conversation. I feel like we could have talked to them forever. Um, you know, when we get done, you know, praising Claude and how much everyone likes, you know, working with him, uh, you know, it was fun to get their insight on, you know, things. And, you know, as we continue to advertise with them, like the partnership angle, I think that's so important. Um, you know, more so even just with them, like with other businesses that, you know, we hope to like go out and talk to over the, you know, talk to the business owners, but also like, you know, feature them on our social media. Um, Speaker 4 00:07:45 Yeah. Some of those businesses that we went and visited and, you know, wanna take pictures and promote them would be great to have some of those owners on the podcast as well. Speaker 3 00:07:52 Yeah. I think that would be fun. And Speaker 4 00:07:55 Or maybe we bring it to them either way. Speaker 3 00:07:57 Yeah. Well, once we nailed down the, you know, the, the mobile podcast, I think that that'll be, uh, that'll be fun to do. Uh, we had Reid on for, uh, Halloween. Uh, I don't think we were still, we didn't get it out as quickly as we had hoped. Uh, maybe we were, maybe we need to shoot the stuff a little bit sooner. But that was a, I thought, an awesome conversation listening to the Spirit artist, uh, and somebody that I've known forever that I was really, you know, it's just fun to talk to. Uh, Sue, who, who else did we have on? We had, uh, Karen Cass. She was another one that was early, uh, early in our podcasting Yeah. Career. So, you know, if we probably could get a little bit better, but I know she'll be back when Hanover Days comes around again. So we'll get her back on and, you know, she'll get more experienced podcast Frame Center podcast crew. Uh, Speaker 4 00:08:50 A little more polished. Speaker 3 00:08:52 Yeah, polished. That's, yeah. That's probably a nice way, way to put it. Yeah. Uh, Carrie O'Donnell was in, LA Williams was in, they were both awesome. Uh, patina was in, now, she was a lot of fun to talk to. I wish she had, uh, you know, been more willing to open up and, uh, tell the, some of the, the stories from, uh, the beginning of the Theo Frame Center and, you know, her times like dealing with my father. Um, you know, he's, he claims he'll come in. I know. Why don't we have him on the podcast? He wants 5,000 followers. He says he's only coming in one day, you know, so we gotta really bump up our subscribers so Speaker 4 00:09:30 Everyone can share this and, uh, make sure you're following. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:09:32 Exactly. The podcast. I think he'd be, you know, he's said he is only coming in if he, there's a bigger audience. He doesn't want to Yeah. Little we need to build our audience to get him in. Uh, you know, but we have some other people that, that are will be fun to talk to this year. Hopefully we'll get Ross in. I know we've been, you know, we've been sending in a delay. Yeah. He talked a lot. Yeah. He said about he would come in. He was building it up and then, you know, when we called him on it. Yeah. He's got a little, he must have got a little nervous. I think the stagefright stagefright Rus gets nervous. Yeah. Apparently Ros get a little nervous. Maybe it was the new chairs, the new setup. You know, he was he a little intimidated. Yeah. A little intimidated about the, uh, you know, this new podcast setting, the more relaxed, uh, you know, more relaxed podcast, you know, the after hours podcast. But who knows? Speaker 4 00:10:23 He was nervous. You were gonna have him shoot pucks and he was gonna Speaker 3 00:10:25 Miss. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that could be it. You know, the shooting pucks has been a lot of fun this year. We get some, you know, got some pros down here. We made some of us look bad. Uh, we did get to shoot at pictures of Ross. That was kind of like having them here. Hopefully that continues. Uh, we've got some nets lined up. Hopefully we're gonna have some real hockey nets out back so that they're not blowing away in the wind. Uh, let's see, who else do we have in here? We had, well we had a mother and daughter team, Cindy and Jenna. That was odd. How did I forget about them? That was like one of my favorite conversations. Uh, how Speaker 4 00:11:02 Was I, was Mia There was a schedule conflict for Speaker 3 00:11:04 That one for me. You missed that one. That one was fun. I thought that Cindy and Jenna were great to talk to. That was a little, uh, tricky too. And it was hard too when, uh, Marcy and Bridget were here and there's like four people. Cause it's almost like there's two single conversations going. Speaker 4 00:11:21 I be like, this will maybe eliminate that a little Speaker 3 00:11:23 Bit. Yeah. I, I do see in like, some of the videos, it's like, it's Speaker 4 00:11:27 Kind of like you're Speaker 3 00:11:28 Looking like, yeah, well, you know, I'm so engaging. And then I feel bad. Cuz then, you know, they're, they're avoiding Scott. People are turning their backs to Scott. And, uh, you know, now in this more circular format, maybe, you know, people won't, uh, you know, they won't be ignoring Scott when they, when, when the time comes and he'll get to be a, you know Right. Inv more involved in the conversation. Yeah. That take over for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, no, that, or you are, you're kind of, you know, you're kind of the up and coming podcast star of the Frame Center. This Speaker 4 00:11:58 Is my preview for Speaker 3 00:11:59 2023. 2023. Yeah. And I think that, you know, the p you know, the, the, the podcast fans have spoken. They want to hear more, more Elizabeth. Yeah. You know, so, uh, that should be exciting. I don't know. I, I'm trying to think of some of my favorite moments on there. I think Rita was great. Jody was, unbel was great. And, you know, helped us with the next step. Um, I, what Speaker 4 00:12:21 I thought was really cool, uh, Lara Williams brought in like a lot of her supplies. Like that was really neat. I mean, if we have more artists on, obviously we will, having them maybe bring in pieces. Yep. We can show or put up or just see some of their stuff. Like she has such a unique medium that she uses. Speaker 3 00:12:37 Yeah. The enco were are, it's still, uh, puzzling to me. But I think that it's, it, it is they, that was cool that she brought in all that stuff and explaining the stuff I think is like a nice aspect for the podcast. Like I think that, you know, maybe that's what some people are interested to, you know. Right. We're teaching people stuff. Yeah. Te explain. Bringing bringing value. Bringing value. Exactly. We're bringing value. And you know, we're, you know, not only are we inspiring people to buy art, but I think, and like, you know, trying to make it less intimidating for them to, you know, make art purchases, but like having an understanding of like what an n caustic is. I think that's kind of cool. And like the whole process. I, I don't know. I mean, all of these conversations have been fun for me. Yeah. In talking to these people. Um, you know, and now we're just recording it and like, kind of sharing it with others. So I dunno that, I think that's, that's a cool aspect. Um, you know, and I think hopefully it kind of continues in that road, uh, down that road. Um, but a lot of fun guests, uh, LA LA you thought was one of the more interested. Speaker 4 00:13:46 I loved having Melissa on that was like different, she's more of like a business owner and like that was really nice to hear about like, the community in the Hanover Farmer's Market and like how her bone broth like and everything that she's done with that. How however long that's Speaker 3 00:13:59 Doing it. Yeah. And I think she's been doing it for a while and Yeah. And I'm sure that, you know, we'll get, she'll no doubt be back, uh, next year when the farmer's market kicks back up so we can, uh, promote the farmer's market. Cuz I think a big piece of what we're trying to do, you know, with the social media that we talk about, it's like, you know, it's really not just, you know, some of these people are already, you know, tuned into us. So exposing them to other things that are great inside of the community. Like the farmer's market, you know, you know, like the, you know, like a business, like Janine's, like a fashion, you know, I mean, fa a fashion focused business. Like, you know, clothes, I mean that's, uh, kind of like art in a sense. Foods, you know, like growing food's kind of an art. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I guess it is, you know, making food kind of an art. Um, you know, so maybe we'll get, get some, you know, some people in like, yeah. Yeah. That are tied into that sort of thing. But I don't know, exposing other people from, you know, that exposing people to, you know, other artists and, you know, other things I think is kind of a fun tie-in. And having that like art tie-in or purchasing of art tie-in is kind of cool, you know, a cool way to do it. Speaker 4 00:15:17 So I definitely feel like, at least I hope anyways, that hearing from all these artists, like people kind of get to know each other a little better too. And like, bring everyone together. They're all artists on the South Shore. Maybe they see each other at show or each other's art at like shows, but they never really Yep. Gotten the chance to hear from them or really talk to them or get to know them at all. And like, maybe this will, Speaker 3 00:15:37 Yeah, Speaker 4 00:15:37 I bringing more of that. Speaker 3 00:15:38 I think that, I mean, I mean obviously if you, if you hear, if you know something about somebody or you have some insight into them, like when you, you know, it makes them either more desirable to talk to if you have something in common, you know, like, oh, I was on the French Center podcast too, <laugh>, what do we, you know, what a strange coincidence. Uh, but you know, there's something more relatable or you're getting, like, having a little insight into somebody's personality I think makes like buying their art a little bit easier or you know, um, maybe it's just, you know, they're more relatable and like, you know, you know, then you see their art and you know, you want to, uh, actually have it. I don't know. I'm, who knows. I mean, at the very least I get to have conversations with people I'm in interested in talking to, um, in, in learning more about. And I'll buy their art here. Yeah. And I mean, I ended up with two pieces from Jodi's show. Um, and to me, you know, I went back and forth. I, the North River one, like, which, which was there, like when I saw, as soon as I saw it and realized what it was, and then I was like, you know, that's a p like a, you Speaker 4 00:16:49 Had to have that like Speaker 3 00:16:50 Yeah, that one. Yeah. Like at that one I'm, you know, I'm glad it was still available. Um, you know, that one like I had to have, cuz that was, you know, like a show that I hung and you know, it was kind of like, you know, and I was a part of, and that art association I was a part of, uh, with Jodi for a, you know, a long period of time and still support as she does. Um, so like that one I had to have. But like talking to her about a couple of the other pieces, I was kind of back and forth cuz I really, I went there with, uh, the intention of getting, you know, buying at least one piece. Right. Um, and I thought I wanted like one of her city scapes. Cause I liked the, um, I really liked the, like the motion and like the way she does the line drawings and the like, urban scenes. Speaker 3 00:17:37 And I ended up with something, you know, like North River One, it was different. But then I bought the one, uh, it was like a rooftop or, yeah, the rooftop. It was like a, I think it was like Room With a View or something. It was something along the lines was the title. But it was like, uh, you know, just looking over some buildings. Cause I seem to be stuck on like buildings and structures, uh, recently while I'm buying artwork. You know, maybe we'll get to, you know, maybe, maybe, uh, the podcast will, you know, buy, we'll see your first, uh, art purchase, you know, there's still artwork hanging here. You know, Speaker 4 00:18:11 I I I've thought about like a couple shows that have come through here. I'm like, should I buy this? I'm like, I don't know about how this Speaker 3 00:18:16 Yeah. Well, you know, I mean, I think, you know, I mean, I think if it's affordable it might not necessarily, you might not necessarily need to like, have this space to actually put it, you know, because, you know, I'll give you some words of wisdom. You know, I still remember like a couple pieces of artwork that I wanted to buy and now like, they've grown in my head. Like, they were like these amazing, you know, they probably, they might not have even been, but like, I remember one piece that I like really wanted to buy down in Provincetown. It was like a, and it was, I have something similar but not, not even close to like what this thing is in my head, but it was just a photograph and it was the, the person had done a series of photographs into reflections, like, into like puddles and stuff like that. Speaker 3 00:19:03 And I, they were like really cool and I hadn't seen anything like that at the time before and I kind of like regret not buying that, you know, cuz it was like, you know, at the time a little bit more than I was willing to spend. I'm sure now it would be like, I'd absolutely buy, you know, would pay that kind of money for artwork, um, as a become such a, you know, heavy. Yeah. Yeah. An art collector. I think I have a fairly great, uh, I mean I think I have a pretty good collection of different artists from the South Shore. Um, and I'm, you know, I'm super excited about kind of sharing some of that stuff with our, I don't know if that'll be considered the, the podcast or if that's Frame Center Cribs or Frank Speaker 4 00:19:45 Center Cribs. Welcome to My Art. Speaker 3 00:19:48 I'm kind of leaning towards the stories behind the artwork here. I don't know, you have stories Speaker 4 00:19:52 Behind Speaker 3 00:19:53 That. Yeah. Um, anyone listening that has suggestions on this? Someone give us a real Yeah, a good name. We'll give you full credit. We'll even have you on the podcast and be like, hi, this is the person that came up with the name. Um, but I, you know, I, I'm excited about show, you know, showing some of my artwork and telling the stories behind it and then, you know, kind of much like we do with Jodi. Like, you know, either talking to people about the stories behind, like the creation aspect of it, but also stories behind artwork. Um, and even stuff that's hanging in people's homes, because I think there's so many like, interesting stories, um, potentially behind stuff. And, you know, maybe we'll even hear a story about, you know, something that doesn't look like much on someone's wall or like a, you know, you know, uh, you know, I, I, the more I think about it, the more I'm like, oh, like the, these stories are just behind original artwork, but maybe there's like that thing that was, you know, bought it, you know, you know, a a you know, just a standard store. Speaker 3 00:20:55 It's just like a, a print that, you know, it doesn't look like much, but the significance of of it is like the, you know, the fact that it was like hanging in somebody's mother's house or like their, their grand, you know, grand, you know, and it's just been in the family forever. You know, maybe you're refre refreshing it up with a, you know, a better frame. But I think that there's stories like that, that are behind things that are hanging. Um, and I think anything that's hanging, if there's a story or there's more depth behind it, I think it's just so much more interesting. Yeah. But who knows? I could be crazy. Speaker 4 00:21:27 Maybe no one wants Speaker 3 00:21:28 To listen to. Yeah. No one wants to listen to anything I have to say. Yeah. But maybe, maybe they do. Who knows? We'll see in 2023, we'll see what, you know, I think if people keep listening and people keep, uh, giving the feedback that they have so far, um, you know, with the, you know, the first couple months, I mean, we did have the layoff in December cuz things are a little crazy around here. But, um, I think we're coming back strong in January and it'll be fun to, you know, talk to more people. It'll be fun to have Elizabeth in front of the camera. You know, maybe Scott, maybe maybe you guys will be splitting time. That, or maybe you'll push me out. It'll just be you and Scott, you're gone. I can't figure out how to use any of this equipment, so I don't think I'll be of any significance behind the, uh, behind the scenes, but it's have to Speaker 4 00:22:12 Push the red button. Speaker 3 00:22:13 Yeah. Hell, awesome. Well, um, thanks for filling Scott's shoes and like, you know, again, we'll, you know, the Frame Center podcast is all about the feedback, you know, so let's hear that. You know, let's hear, let's hear, let let me know, you know, what you think I mean, is Elizabeth, you know, is she pushing Scott out or I mean, or is this gonna be a three person podcast or we're gonna, you know, if, you know, maybe your voice will be heard a little bit more. I think that, you know, people want to hear your thoughts and I think people will be excited to hear about your art purchases. Uh, you know, maybe you buy something in from this show, from the, the Frame Center holiday show, which was a big success. Yeah. You know, Speaker 4 00:22:55 Stay tuned for my first art Speaker 3 00:22:56 Purchase. Yeah. And then we can talk about the story. You know, the, we can tell the story behind it and why you liked it and why you ended up buying it, you know? Yeah. I think that those stories are fun and hopefully will inspire other people to, to buy artwork. Who knows, maybe, you know, maybe you'll end up with a piece if someone just gives it to you. You know who right? Yeah. But you know, hopefully you like it. If that's the case, you know, maybe Sean will give you a piece over there. You know, who knows. Anyway, that's it for the Frame Center podcast in 2022. Um, we're looking forward to a lot of fun guests in 2023. I've said that once or twice, uh, we're looking for more, more Scott, more Elizabeth more going to people's homes, more talking to people offsite and more talking about art. Cause I think think it's awesome and, uh, who knows. That's it. All right. Take us out, Elizabeth. See you all in 2020.

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