Latest Episodes

March 14, 2023
Show on the Road at Kjeld Mahoney's Gallery - After Glow
Well this is exciting, our first ever recorded full episode outside of the studio! We had the honor of being invited to record with...

February 23, 2023
Casual Confabs with Amber Waterhouse
In todays session we met with Amber Waterhouse, Artist and the owner of Waterhouse, a shop located in Hingham Center specilizing in art and...

February 11, 2023
Casual Confabs with Nate Nottingham
This week we had a quick sitdown with Nate Nottingham, Art Teacher at Norwell High School. We discussed topics that ranged from his current...

February 04, 2023
Casual Confabs with Laura Jennings
In today's episode we sit down and talk with Local Artist Laura Jennings. Laura has been long time customer of the Frame Center and...

February 01, 2023
Casual Confabs with Sally Dean
In today's episode we sit down Sally Dean, local artist and Education Coordinator for the Duxbury Art Complex. She has an upcoming show titled,...

January 27, 2023
Casual Confabs with Andrew Flight
In this episode of the FCP we sit down with Andrew Flight, once a former employee, is now back with a show in our...